Friday, April 17, 2009

A day at sea. Today there were no early morning off shore excursions, a day to sleep in. Lyman woke up early and went out on his walk-about and to get breakfast. I said to him, "pick up some cereal for Ryan and bring back with you." Ryan was still sleeping, it was almost 10:00 a.m., I thought well we should get Ryan waking up and doing all of his morning routine. I gave him a nudge, he didn't budge. I sat down by him and did things that would anoy him, tickle his nose or bug his toes. No response. At this time I am getting concerned and try to find his pulseometer to check his vitals. No Luck! Now getting a little more concerned. I call my friend and asked her if she can find Lyman. She sends her husband, Dan to look for him and comes down to our room. Just a few seconds later Lyman walked in, I said call Dan & Linda and tell them you are here. Linda came down anyway. Lyman, also could not get him to respond. At this time I called 911 on the ship and they sent a medical team to our room. They also could get no response, but his vitals were good. They asked me if he was diabetic? No, that is a questions no one had ever asked about Ryan. They said that he was dehydrated. Lyman then lifted him into his reclined power chair to transfer him to the ship's hospital. Still his vital signs were good. Just not waking up. The day goes on and he still continues with no response. About 6:00 p.m., after some wonderful care by the medical staff, we were advised by Dr. Lindsay that we would have to disembark the ship in the Panama Canal as they could not continue with long term care on the ship. He felt that Ryan needed a cat-scan as to what had happened to his brain and why he was not responding. (The only thing I could think about was that I did not speak Spanish and with my luck I would fall off of the gangway in the early hours and fall into the Panama Canal). We would have to be ready at 6:00 a.m. to get off the ship. This meant packing that night to be ready to get off promptly. We would not get to go through the canal. But, we needed to know what was wrong with Ryan. I had been with him most of the day. Lyman stayed while I went to eat something and pack what was needed. It is a good thing my friend, Linda was there as I could not focus on what I needed! I needed to eat something as I hadn't eaten at all. We went to the Buffet, I tried to eat something since I didn't know when the next time food would be available. I returned to the hospital about 11:00 p.m. so that Lyman could finish the packing and we would be ready to get off. During the next hour I keep talking to Ryan and said "You need to wake up or we will have to get off and not be able to go through the canal." This was his dream trip to take this Panama Canal cruise . . . to be continued

1 comment:

Julie said...

You are making me wait way too long...even though I know the story I love reading your posts.